
Stovetop French Fries: Peeled Organic Potatoes cooked in Ghee

It's the weekend! Tonight we are having a delicious snack- French Fries!

Clean and peel your potatoes (make sure to buy organic because potatoes are on the dirty dozen list and most are genetically engineered). Dice into thing slices and heat a large skillet on medium. Add a generous tablespoon of grass-fed ghee (clarified butter) and watch it melt.

Add potatoes and give them a toss every few minutes until crispy!

Serve with Annie's organic ketchup 😊


My Go-to Treat for Toddlers: Larabars

These naturally sweetened bars made with raw, whole foods are like candy bars. My son loves them!


Frozen Veggies I Always Keep on Hand

Avocados: Baby Survival Food

My 22 month old son loves avocados. Actually, much more than I do! I enjoy a nice ripe slice of avocado on my salad, or topped with salt, or in a delicious guacemole dip... but plain avocados are sometimes bland and bitter to me. But my son has aquired quite a liking for the "perfect" food.

Did you know that the avocado has been called the world’s most perfect food and has many health benefits?

It has achieved this distinction because many nutritionists claim it not only contains everything a person needs to survive — but it has also been found to contribute to the prevention and control of Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other health conditions.

The avocado (Persea gratissima or P. americana) originated in Puebla, Mexico and its earliest use dates back to 10,000 years B.C. Since AD 900, the avocado tree has been cultivated and grown in Central and South America. In the 19th century, the avocado made its entry into California, and has since become a very successful commercial crop. Ninety-five percent (95%) of U.S. avocados are gown in Southern California.

The avocado, also called the alligator pear, is a high-fiber, sodium- and cholesterol-free food that provides nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, is rich in healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (such as omega-3 fatty acids), vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and folate) — as well as potassium.

Foods naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as avocados, are widely acknowledged as the secret to a healthy heart, a brilliant brain and eagle eyes.

Dr. Daniel G. Amen, a clinical neuroscientist, psychiatrist, brain-imaging expert and author of the New York Times bestseller Change Your Brain, Change Your Life counts avocados as one of the top brain-healthy foods that can help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease.

That’s not only because of the avocado’s health benefits omega-3 fatty acid content but also its…

Vitamin E content — An international journal called Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated Disorders, reported its findings from years of clinical trials — high doses of Vitamin E can neutralize free radicals and the buildup of proteins to reverse the memory loss in Alzheimer’s patients; reverse symptoms of Alzheimer’s in the early stages and retard the progression of the disease;

Folate content — helps to prevent the formation of tangled nerve fibers associated with Alzheimer’s.

The virtues and benefits of the avocado are too numerous to mention.

But Here Are Just a Few More Avocado Health Benefits That Its Nutritional Profile Provides:

Monounsaturated Fats — These types of fats help control triglycerides in the bloodstream, lower blood cholesterol and control diabetes.
Folate — This water-soluble B vitamin promotes healthy cell and tissue development. According to the National Institute of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements, “This is especially important during periods of rapid cell division and growth such as infancy and pregnancy. Folate is also essential for metabolism of homocysteine and helps maintain normal levels of this amino acid.”
Lutein — This is a carotenoid (a natural pigment) that protects against cataracts and certain types of cancer, and reduces the risk of macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in adults 65 years of age and older. Avocados contain 3 or more times as much lutein as found in other common vegetables and fruits.
Oleic acid and Potassium — Both of these nutrients also help in lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of high blood pressure.

Coconut Water vs. Juice

Making Spinach Appetizing to Toddlers

Healthy Homemade Pancake Recipe

Seven Layer Bars

Chocolate Chip Cookie Loaf (using maple syrup & oat flour!)

Cottage Cheese Pancakes (gluten free)

toddler favorites

Quinoa Pasta Dinner

This is great way to get your toddler (who is hooked on pasta) to eat pasta without the gluten/wheat. 

Applegate Salami


Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies with Coconut Sugar (gluten free)

These are so delicious!

When Ketchup may be the answer ;)

The benefits of grass-fed beef

Here are the numerous benefits to your child's health and development when incorporating grass-fed beef into his diet.


French toast pancakes

These French toast pancakes are not only high in protein and lots of vitamins and minerals, but they are sooo good.

You may not believe the ingredients.

A typical lunch for my toddler

On busy days, a typical lunch for my toddler consists of chopped avocado, chicken, raw cheddar cheese, and banana slices. He enjoys it with some naturally flavored coconut water.

There are lots of healthy fats, proteins, and essential vitamins and minerals in this complete meal. Additionally, the lack of gluten and refined sugar won't make him feel sleepy or have a crash later.

Vacation Lunch

The healthiest grilled cheese for your little one

Sprouted grain French Toast

Healthy Snacking


How to prepare a balanced meal

raw cheddar cheese (grass-fed)


Safest Sunscreen for Little Ones

Zinc Oxide and seed oil are the safest, most effective natural SPF for your kids (and adults, too for that matter). I've heard horror stories about the effects of ingredients like Oxybenzone, and it's affect on the organs. I'd rather not slather that on my little one, thank you very much.


Homemade Chocolate Syrup (no refined sugar!)

One of my favorite drinks as a kid was chocolate milk. All kids love chocolate milk and once they get a little older and understand that there's actually a chocolatey syrup that you can put in your milk and make it so much more delicious!

Here is a recipe that has no refined sugars, is great to mix with a small cold glass of organic milk (a great grass-fed brand is Nature's Way).

You'll need:
1/2 C cocoa powder
1/4 C pure maple syrup
1/3 C water
1/2 TSP vanilla extract 

- over med heat, mix water and maple syrup in small stainless steel saucepan 
- once heated, turn to low
- whisk in cocoa powder
- remove from heat
- add vanilla
- let cool in small bowl or mason jar


Foods that are Best for Your Growing Toddler

What Foods are Best for Baby?

Carmelized Onion & Soft Boiled Egg With Rice

I know what you're thinking. This sounds like something off the menu at a gourmet restaurant. Am I losing it? Do I actually think your toddler will eat this?

Yes, and yes!

My little one would eat rice and pasta all day everyday. That was pretty much my biggest nightmare as a new mom... Or my health conscious crunchy granola hippie alter-ego.



Spinach & Meatball Rice

My picky eater loves rice. Rice is something I add lots of butter (KerryGold) to for his good fats. I recently started hiding all sorts of veggies in it. Here is a favorite of his: Spinach & Meatball!

Grass-fed local ground beef is used in my classic meatball recipe, cooked thoroughly. The spinach is organic baby spinach, diced & sautéed. Note: spinach is a choking hazard so make sure to dice!

So on those nights when your children only want to eat f***ing roll...give this a try!



Hidden Superfoods

 "He eats brussel sprouts?" my brother said last week, baffled at my 15 month old eating his lunch.

Yep. And he loves them!

Here's a great way to sneak veggies into your toddler's meal:

1. Roast it, dice it up, and mix it with his favorite staple food. Pasta works. Rice, too. In this case I used leftover spagetti squash.

2. Add butter. (grass-fed, all natural - even better). I love Kerrygold brand. Find it in my list of toddler must-haves here.

3. Trick.

~declan's mum